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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Small Blessings

This whole balance thing has been pretty tricky lately.  Since taking on a new role at work, I've been consumed by my job in a way that I've never been before.  It's strange to go from a place of confidence and knowledge to a place of pure learning and bumbling around. Everything is new and, while I love the challenge, it's also been incredibly busy and, well, totally exhausting.

My valentine project was an amazing distraction during my first few weeks, but since completing it I've found it hard to pick up something new (and I'm starting to miss my 100 Things List!).  One habit that I've been trying to get into is on nights when I don't go to the gym after work (a good run has been my best de-stresser lately) I stop off at a coffee shop on my way home and write for at least a half an hour.  

So I've been gathering lots of scratches of ideas and waiting for inspiration to strike...

However, in the midst of all of this craziness, there have been so many small blessings that have kept me feeling optimistic.  Little things, like running into one of my super-cheery neighbours on the subway and having one of those sunny conversations that pops you out of the whole isolated-strangers-in-the-city vibe.  Or getting to take a walk on a freakishly warm February evening and remember how good it feels when winter is over (soon, soon...). Or coming home to lovely surprise packages in the mail from one of your favourite creative buddies such as these beautiful prints:

These are the things that keep me feeling energized and inspired.  And I'm so grateful for them.

I'll be off to the country this weekend, so I probably won't update for a few days.  I'm hoping that a bit of time outside the city will help me re-focus and get something new in the works.  At the very least, I'm looking for at least one day of pure slothary.  Preferably with cookies and an unhealthy amount of tea.

I hope you all have something fun and inspiring planned for the weekend!  

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