Click here to see my full list of goals for 2010

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

In like a...

I'm so glad to see the end of February! Despite the flurry of hearts and candy around the 14th, February is the pits when it comes to weather, fun, and inspiration. I want to walk around in bare feet and have drinks on a patio again!

March, on the other hand, is just the kind of unpredictable, wild, and eventful month that I've been craving. The days are getting longer (I actually get to see the sun before and after work!) and once the calender hits month three I always feel like it's safe to start expecting sunnier days and maybe even some warmth in the air. I'm also hoping March is going to bring a little more breathing room to my current schedule. Now that I'm beginning to build a little momentum at work and finally back to my regular gym routine, I'm working on getting back to my creative projects too.

First up is a much needed 2011 'Goals List'. It won't be 100 items long, but I'm going to pull something more formal together to keep me on track. I've also been looking at some new class options. There are some amazing programs in the city once you start looking for them: one day embroidery classes, weekend zine workshops, drawing sessions, that elusive screenprinting workshop that I always miss the registration period for. I definitely want to start committing myself to a few formal classes to keep me working. Nothing like putting a deposit down to keep you motivated!


  1. I totally know what you mean! I have started looking for more races to run because once I pay for them, I have to run them!

  2. Yes, I need some deadlines too... Actually, what I really need is a good contest! I love writing contents.

  3. I love that lion sketch! It looks remarkably like my beautiful puppy... was he your muse? I also can't wait to see what you come up with in these classes. I'm always inspired when I see a new blog posting!
