Click here to see my full list of goals for 2010

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Good Things

There is an amazing arts community in this city and I love finding new connections and creative types to converse with about making handmade items. I've already experienced so many things that I never thought I'd get to try (letterpress printing, etching, reading a linocut novel) and lately some even more amazing opportunities have started to pop up (more on that in a few weeks!). Each experience has reaffirmed my decision to keep blogging, reading, and creating so that I have something to send back out in return for all of the information and inspiration I've received from others.

I've been thinking a lot about this blog and the direction of Sonnet and Mayhem lately. My new goals list is a pretty clear indication that my interests (and postings) have expanded from my original business of making hand-printed cards. As I learn about new printmaking techniques, I'm finding it harder and harder to focus on my lino block work (although it certainly hasn't been abandoned). In fact, producing content for this blog has actually inspired me to pick up on a lot of artistic mediums that I haven't worked with for years. I'm not really sure what it all means yet, but I do think that maintaining this blog is going to be a key part of making sure I keep creating new things.

Today, I started taking a closer look at which of the 100 projects I'm going to work on first. Read one fiction book a month (4) will be an ongoing process and to kick things off I've chosen Haruki Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. I was intrigued by an article I read about Murakami's newest book 1Q84, but since it won't be available in English for a while, I decided to check out something from his backlist instead.

I also plan to update my mailing list this week (31), begin my ideas journal (43), and complete my 'Nan' poem (95). Plus, there's my 'uncanny project' (7), which is a priority because I would like to have some polished work ready by the end of the month.

So many options... I've got to start crossing some off!


  1. I just started Murakami's self-reflection piece on his experiences with running and how it has made him a better writer!

  2. Awesome! Let me know what you think of it. I'm finding Wind-Up an odd, but intriguing read so far. I feel as if some of his phrases really have been lost in translation, but until I learn Japanese I'll never know.
